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Mar, 2021

Great Community Give to Support Bridgewater Community Little League

Save the Date!      April 21, 6:30 am to 8 pm

Give to Bridgewater Community Little League | Great Community Give

Our Story

Baseball and softball is a tradition in Bridgewater, Virginia that is passed down from one generation to the next.  When you think of Turner Ashby High School baseball and softball, you are immediately reminded of excellence, honor and tradition.  That legacy begins in a backyard playing catch and then moves onto Oakdale Park in the Bridgewater Community Little League before taking shape at Turner Ashby High School and beyond.

Since the formation of the Bridgewater Community Little Little League in 1966, alumni have gone on to shine at Turner Ashby, played at the collegiate level and some have gone onto to be professional ball players. Yet, even though not every athlete may have gone to play in college and, even less, professionally, we are proud that a vast majority of the young men and women who participated in their youth are now the pillars of this community. A lot have been actively involved in the league to this day as their kids are now playing.

Baseball and softball for our children is perhaps more important today than has ever been. For a moment, think of everything that our kids have been subjected to in the past year. As adults, it is sometimes hard to grapple with what has been going on, let alone as children. Playing ball with their friends at the park is EXACTLY what they should be doing; enjoying their childhood. Please consider helping us give the kids of today and tomorrow what we probably took for granted yesterday.